Too Big World

The Blog of Gordon Milcham

Golden age of business


a7a83434c29c97e164f8a7925dd3fb28f22d1071I’m normally bored by the third episode of anything these days. That’s when writers are told to stretch paper thin plots to cover a season. Usually with unnecessary melodrama and character’s backgrounds fueled by a sense of self-importance. We might be going through a golden age of TV, but it is still TV. The clumsy little brother of film who needs 3 years to tell you what movies do in 90 minutes. And not to make a better story, but to sell you stuff. As of late, subscriptions to streaming services. There are 2 or 3 statistically irrelevant exceptions of course, but so far the only “accomplishment” of this golden era is to turn everything into a soap opera. And that sucks.

Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu get one basic thing about TV very wrong

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