Too Big World

The Blog of Gordon Milcham

Tag: time magazine

  • Real Equality

    This is why you can’t believe anything these days. Found this old magazine while cleaning my apartment. An advertorial obviously written by studio hit-men, women advocacy groups, and Oprah herself, Time dedicated 7 pages to kiss every ass involved in this “classic” that, according to the article, would change movies forever and ever and ever…

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  • Good to know

    I was reading The New York Times when I realized how much better life is when you don’t have to read about Marco Rubio. Remember that guy? Donald Trump is a nightmare, but at least he’s like a 70s sitcom villain. Romero’s joker. Goofy shit. Rubio was Christopher Nolan’s Bane. All heavy and serious on…

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  • Most Influential?

    There’s a world outside the world where I live in where this is true. Please share how Kanye West influences your life. I might be missing something. Facebook Post

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