Too Big World

The Blog of Gordon Milcham

Tag: dreams

  • Wake up call

    Wake up call

    It was the weirdest thing…

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  • Funny dream with movie stars!

    Wake up in my car. I’m in a familiar town but takes me a while to recognize it as the place where I lived back in the 80s. Slight wind, leaves slow motioning over road. The works. I walk a few blocks to my former house and notice everything looks weird. People is not dressed…

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  • Dream – December 14, 2012

    Bright sunny day. I’m playing golf with my father. He’s ready to tee off when all of a sudden he starts to complain about how much of a piece-of-shit of a son I am. I fire back with some daddy issues when a soccer ball hits my legs. I turn around and notice that there…

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  • Nothing

    Yesterday I walked down to Tropicana Avenue and bought some tobacco to roll. Later I spent some time inside a supermarket and bought four pounds of grounded beef, lettuce and rice. On the way back some guy pulled half his body out of a truck and screamed “FUCK YOU” at the top of his lungs.…

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