Too Big World

The Blog of Gordon Milcham

Everything is fake


Typical California rocks.

Last year, I hiked the Mount Rubidoux trail in Riverside, CA. It is more like a midsized hill with an American flag and a Christian cross at its summit.

The hike is well-maintained and unchallenging, but it works well as a post-lunch afternoon hike. From the parking lot, the trail rounds the hill surrounded by interesting rock formations, just like the Kardashian monument I posted a few months ago.

Too interesting, though, as markings resembling petroglyphs show up once in a while on the way to the top. I went off trail to check them out. It didn’t take me long to discover the true nature of the rocks surrounding the trail. They are fake. All of them. Just a fantasy of the designer of this little-known park in Southern California.

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One response to “Everything is fake”

  1. More likely an old avant-garde type of decorative soil retaining wall. May I remind you Caracas is full of those with very organic slums saturating the top.

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